Phrases not ordinarily heard in the Church.....
"Somebody give me money cuz I own Bethlehem."
"OK everybody, pay attention! We're getting ready to auction off the temple."
"Are you in jail? - No, we're just visit teaching."
"OK, we're trading the Urim & Thummim"
How cool is that?
I am trying to do this for an actitvity and was wondering if you could share with me what you put on your board game?! Thanks
Me too! What were the property names?
can I have more info on how you made this? thanks!
I would love more info on this. Looks like a great idea!
What a great idea, would you be willing to share the specifics on the board or the clues you used? I'd love to do this for a mutual activity! Seniunas89@gmail.com
Awesome! Pleaser email me the specifics!! jadderbean@gmail.com
My daughter would like to try this as well!
Just wondering if you were sending out details of how you played (without making it a 3 hour game) and what you put on the squares. Thanks!
I would also love details!
I would also like details for a youth activity if you are sharing! What a great idea!
I would love the info on this as well. Imsarapoole (at) hotmail (dot) com
Love it! Can I get directions?
We would love to do this for a mutual activity! Would you be willing to send me the info on how to set up and play your game? Thanks so much!
If you're sharing please send it my way too. jcraiker@gmail.com
I would love the details as well! mm_maddox@hotmail.Com
If your sharing I'd love details too!
Love this idea!! Could you email me the information on how to make this??
Yes - I would like details as well! applegate_family@hotmail.com
This looks amazing!! Can you email me the details please?? :) My email is tkgonzal@asu.edu. Thank you so much!
I want to do this for my mutual activity i would LOVE more information on this. 16amathews@gmail.com
Can you email me details b.white@ozelecsol.com
I would love to do this for YW. Please send specifics to, chique131@gmail.com.
Thanks, Emilie
I'd love information on how you made it & how you played it! kristenmayle(at)yahoo(dot)com
If you could share with me the how to's to this game that would really help out a lot! ashaawesomea@cox.net
Love this idea! Will you send me more specific info? Like what's on your board game. etc. Thanks! BeccasTimeOut@gmail.com
I too would love the details if you ar sharing.
I'd love details too if you are sharing.
Thanks so much
I'd love details too if you are sharing.
Thanks so much
This is a really creative and fun activity! I think I am going to propose our girls do this for a combined YM/YW activity. Did you just copy from the Mormon-opoly board game or did you come up with your own thing? Any info or details you could send me on how to do this would be great!
I would love the details to this if you wouldn't mind sharing. Thanks! tlandon@cableone.net
I would love to know more too! Love this idea!!!
I would love to do this with my YW could you send the details? beaufish@msn.com
Can I have more info on how you made this? Thanks!
Could I also get the details of this game? What a creative and fun activity! Thank you for your idea! If you don't mind sharing - my e-mail is bazity@q.com!
I love it! could please email me the instructions and property names? julie_livingstone7@hotmail.com
This is amazing! Very creative! If you don't mind sharing all of the details I would greatly appreciate it. My email is landewilde02@yahoo.com.
Thank you so very much!
Love this! Would love to do it with our youth! Could you email me the directions and what you put on the board, etc?thanks! Nicolelynnrogers@gmail.com
What a fun idea- could you send me the 'how to's' of this game for a young women project? To matteson.rachel@gmail.com. Thanks!
What a great idea! Would you mind sharing the details? Matteson.rachel@gmail.com
I would love to do this with my Youth Group as well. Would you mind sharing the directions and what you had on the spaces? Thanks!
Lydia @ lydiantennessee@hotmail.com
This is really cool. Our ym and yw would have a great time,
if you are willing to share my email is egregg411@gmail.com
Could you please send me the details our young women would love this thank you sandra_4ever@hotmail.com
Would you please send me more information on how you created this? My Beehives are in charge of planning combined mutual this month and really want to do this.
Can I please have the information on how you created this? My Beehives are in charge of combined mutual activity this month. They really want to do this.
Can I please have the information on how you created this? My Beehives are in charge of combined mutual activity this month. They really want to do this.
I would love any information on this activity as well if you are willing to share. Thank you so much in advance!Chelseywinegar@gmail.com
Hi, I am new to YW and just saw this about the game. would you please send me the information on how to build and the other particulars if possible. This would be great for mutual. please send to cmmmiles@gmail.com
thank you 8-)
I love this!! can you please send me details on how to do this, my beehives would like to do this for our combined activity for mutual.
Thank you
I would love details on this Mormon-opoly. What a fun idea! It would give my kids something creative to work on over the summer, can be used for a mutual, and a value project - sounds like a triple win!
Such a fun activity! Could you share the details of this with me? Just recently got out in YW and I'd love to play this with our young women!
I would also love the details of how you went about making this!! It looks and sounds fantastic! rifious@gmail.com
Thanks so much!
I know it has been a few years ago, but if you still have to details about how you made this I would love to have them if you are willing to share. Thanks. Kathy
If you are still willing to share your details, my email is: tawillden@gmail.com.
Such a fun activity. Could you share the details of this with me?
This looks like tons of fun for the yw. Are you willing to share the details with me? lyn1467@gmail.com
This looks like tons of fun for the yw. Are you willing to share the details with me? lyn1467@gmail.com
Hola, podrÃa compartir detalles del tablero para hacer juego con mis jovencitasen una mutual? Qué detalles hay de las propiedades y de las casillas....gracias!!
Mi correo es carolina.donosot@gmail.com
Mi correo es carolina.donosot@gmail.com
Hola, podrÃa compartir detalles del tablero para hacer juego con mis jovencitasen una mutual? Qué detalles hay de las propiedades y de las casillas....gracias!!
Would love more info, if you're willing to share!
A ton of us would like to have info on this wonderful activity. Are you still around? Will you share? pretty please!!
Would love the details! If you would email me that'd be awesome!
Would love the details! If you would email me that'd be awesome!
Would love the details! If you would email me that'd be awesome!
Looks so fun! Could you share the details?
Thanks! julyfort@aol.com
I'd love more details. This is a great activity. Thank you for sharing
Looks like everyone has the same idea as me. Wondering about details because this looks so fun and exactly what our Mia Maids group is working on. Would you have any details you could share with us? Thanks so much. Look forward to hearing from you! melaniewilliams@xplornet.ca
I teach Seminary--I would lOVE to play this if you are sharing. roseborough.7@gmail.com Thanks so much--Ann
this is brilliant! like everyone else, i'd love more details if you're sharing :)
We would love info on making it as well! Kindweber@hotmail.com
I would love to share this activity with my branch. Would you be willing to share with me the info on how you made and conducted the activity please? Thank you.
That is so great . Would love to get more info . Please send it to me in Germany !!
We are planning a combined activity to play this game, will you share more details with me? Thank you! Melanie melanievaughn73@gmail.com
I am doing this for a combined activity and I was wondering if you could send me the details of what you guys did. Thanks
I would love to have the info details for this if possible.
thank you,
As all those listed above.....could you share your idea? Details please.....
I would love any info you have for this Monopoly game as well.. what a fun idea! silver.rayne@yahoo.com
Do you share? With everyone else, I would love the details too! Such a great idea!
Thank you,
This is a brilliant idea. Could you please send me the details
Thank you
Darn, it looks like I'm in line for the Star Wars movie ;) jk... I am also wondering if I could get the details? What a creative and fun night it looks like you all had. Thank you so much for sharing and giving everyone ideas to help in their wards!
If you don't mind sharing, I would love to have the information to use for a combined activity. Such a smart and fun project. Great job.
I would love to do this activity for our YM/YW! Would you mind sharing information on this activity?
I would love to have the info details for this if possible.
thank you,
I would love how you did this...what the cards said...how you actually played\
Hey I was wondering if you could tell me the specifics, like how you played it, what the properties were, and what the cards said. Thx!
are you still sharing this idea?
I would also like the details of how you played it please:)
Would you be willing to share the specifics on the board or the clues you used? I'd love to do this for a our joint activity!
mkropp23@msn.com or mgibson@atsu.edu
Me too!! This is awesome!
Could I have details also, pretty please!
Thank you!!!
Could I have details also, pretty please!
Thank you!!!
This looks like a fun activity would you please send me the info B4downing@gmail.com
This looks like a fun activity would you please send me the info B4downing@gmail.com
Well, this looks like an awesome activity! Great job! I would LOOOOOOVE to get details as well... mereanalindo@gmail.com. Mahalo... \m/
Hi I would love the details on this activity. It sounds like an absolute riot!
Thanks from Canada :)
Wow, awesome activity! I am jumping on the band wagon too, my I get instructions/details on how to do this activity please.
Mahalo, chase.and.co@gmail.com
Thank you for sharing this great idea. Would you be willing to share the details?
Thank You in advance
never responded after a year of asking
Can we get more specifics on this? my daughter is interested! Also I think this would make a great activity for a family reunion!
Details please!!
What an awesome activity! I would love to have the details.
I want to do this for my Valiant 8 class. Would you be willing to share the details of this game with me? Mimisbaby2013@gmail.com
I want to do this for my Valiant 8 class. Would you be willing to share the details of this game with me? Mimisbaby2013@gmail.com
New Young Women's President and love this idea. Can I get details?
Details please! Thanks!
great idea!!! Could you email me most the information on how to make me this??
I see alot have asked for details - i would love to use this as well if you are sharing - thank you so much
Terrie missterrie67@msn.com
Looks like fun! I would love more info.
Interested in the same... la_chica_anna@hotmail.com :) Looks like such fun!
Looks so fun, can I get details? girl84054@yahoo.com
I would like info also for our YW/YM Night. carriegj@yahoo.com Thanks so much!
This looks amazing!! Could I get the info from you on how to do this? niki_n_garyb@hotmail.com
Thank you so much for sharing!
Niki Bagley
Is it possible that I could get your game instructions and dimensions? and the property names?
We would love to do this as a combined YM/YW activity. akchprice1@msn.com
This looks like so much fun! Would you be able to send me more information on how exactly you executed this activity? I think it would be a hit for my YSA ward's FHE! Thanks. m.olivia.everett@gmail.com
This is so cute! I too would love any information you have about the game. I am brand new to YW and think this would make a fun combined activity. Thanks for anything you can send. kjerstenv@msn.com
I LOVE this and would love any information on it you can give for a future activity!
Like everyone else - I would love a=specific details on the game if you have them -
I would like to do this for my youth. Can I please get more information regarding this activity? mnau05@gmail.com
Can you email me more information? rrspikes@yahoo.com
I did not see any information if you are sharing how you did this or not, so i thought that i would ask. If so i would LOVE any help and ideas you are willing to share! this looks so fun!
Thanks in advance! <3
Hi there - can you please share the details to make the board game please? Thanks Melanie melanie.riwaicouch@gmail.com
I would also love the details. Thanks so much!!
Shauna Dunford monstermama03@msn.com
I would also love the details about how you created this game. mmushaluk@gmail.com Thanks!
I would also love the details about how you created this game. mmushaluk@gmail.com Thanks!
Please send me details! So so awesome!
I love this idea and would like to do it for my YSA ward. Could you send me the details? lglover919@gmail.com. Thanks!!
Ditto for me too. I saw the recents comments and was hoping I could get the details for a combined activity we're having.
Thank you so much for your awesome ideas! jilly.is@icloud.com
What a great idea, I would love to have the details for a combined activity.
Thanks! dreamer691@gmail.com
could I have the details as well? I would love to o this for an activity :) thanks
Hi! This looks like a great activity and I would love to do it for a YSA FHE. Could I get the details on how you made the game and how you played so it didn't last as long as regular monopoly? Thanks!!
This sounds like it would be fun for a Releif Society activity. Please send me the details. Thanks
This sounds like it would be fun for a Releif Society activity. Please send me the details. Thanks
I would love the idea for a youth activity, could I please get the ideas... auroradaun@gmail.com
I'd like some information too. This looks WAY fun!
May I get the information as well PLEASE oh please? Charisestrand@msn.com
Thank you!
I would love the details of this game. Shannongammn2@gmail.com
May i also get more info/details? blondie_girl202@yahoo.com
Please send me the details as well
Are you willing to share the detail? I would love to do this for our combined YM/YW activity in March. My email address is kimkeith007@gmail.com the information would be so greatly appreciated, please.
I would also like the info from your game for our mutual if you would share. Kgiles57@gmail.com
Would you be willing to share the information on this with me? Like the property names, etc. Also how did you do your game play?
Thanks, Carina
Such a great idea! Thank you for sharing it. Could I get the details of the game? Thank you so much!
I just came across your activity and it sounds so awsome. I would like to play with our youth here in Germany. Would you please send me the details? Thank you so very much. cyndiboye@gmail.com
Could I get details about the game as well?
I’d love your information for this game. Claire55755@gmail.com
Love this activity, could I please get the information for this game?
Thanks! ymcpherson1990@gmail.com
This sounds fun! Any chance I could get the details too? asanders0375@gmail.com
Hi I would Love to do this as a joint please please please email me any more details you can thanks. anna.marieworsey@gmail.com
Great idea! Could Get details? Thanks! Mistylenae@hotmail.com
Can I get the details as well
Thank You
I don't know if you are sharing the details of this activity or not, but I would love to get them if you are! maurermd@gmail.com
I see where everyone is asking for details on this activity.....it looks AMAZING!! Are you sharing how you made this and what your properties/squares were? If so, I would love to get the information!
Thanks so much for any help you can give me!
I'd love the details...super fun!
You’re awesome and have had an obvious fantastic response! I’d love the word files if you’re still sharing! decembercaswell@outlook.com
If you have an Etsy acct maybe you could sell it!!!!
I too would love the details if you are still sharing. Looks like fun!
If you are still sharing, I would love it!
Ditto! If you are still sharing, I’d love it. Thanks!
I would also love to get your Lifesize Mormonopoly too! I would love to use it more a combine mutual night.
I'd love the details if you are sharing!
I also would love to do this as a combined activity, if you would share the details. Thanks.
Please share your wisdom! We love this idea.
I would love to do this! Can you share the details?
I would love to do this with our youth. Could I please get the details from you?
I'd love to know how you put this all together please!
I would love the details on how you set this all up. Great idea! Please send to tjmatthews13@gmail.com
This is such a great idea! I would love more info on it as well.
Great idea! I also would like details please Bermudezjeanie@gmail.com
Love it, thanks for sharing. May I have the details as well for young women. Thanks in advance. msatoabrown@yahoo.com
Our YW want to do this! Sounds so fun. joycedorny@gmail.com
Could you send me what was on your gameboard?? Would be so fun at mutual! kb6sbs@gmail.com
This post is from a long time ago but I was wondering if I could have the details for this activity? I love it!
Looks like so much fun!! Please send the details
As far as I can tell, there hasnt been a response to from the author of this post for YEARS! Its a great idea but maybe the commenting should br turned off if there will be no response.
I found the game, and would love to do this our Young Women. Can you email me this game. Super cool activity! fluhartydawn3marie@yahoo.com
Here I am in 2020 loving this idea!!! Please send me specifics. Devrie_inc@hotmail.com
Can I get details on the monopoly board, the money, chest card and other things used for this!? I want to do this for my YSA branch!
I just found this game and love it! Can you send me the details? Beckyhunt2006@gmail.com
Hi there, could I get the details too please. Sharon-hunt@ hotmail.com thanks!!
Hi there, could I get the details too please. Sharon-hunt@ hotmail.com thanks!!
Would love the details on this! Sounds like so much fun! I think our youth would love it!
chattvalleyyw@gmail.com or rachael.crook@gmail.com
If you're don't mind sharing I'd also love to know what you did on each square! bwebber84@hotmail.com
Would love to have a copy of your ideas! Thank you!
Please share the squares and how to play? How long did it take?
If it's not too much trouble, I would love to have a copy of this idea! beckyhunt2006@gmail.com
Do you have instructions on how you did this? Thank you!
Could I get the info about this game please?
Could I get the info about this game please?!
Hi! Are you sharing details of this game? What an amazing idea! Thanks
I would love details from this activity!
Hello. I'm sure you know by now just how amazing everyone thinks you are! Can I have details too? lyndeelouwho@gmail.com
No one has answered this text since 2015
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