Thursday, December 18, 2008

Record Snow Fall

Wow! We've had 26 inches of snow fall in 36 hours and it's still coming down! School was cancelled for Aleah and McKenna. They were thrilled because they just didn't think it was fair that they had to go to school when Kaylyn and Lexi were sleeping in. It's great to have Kaylyn home for the holidays, especially with all this snow. A mom is never truly at ease unless all her children are tucked in safely at home!

So what does a family do when school is cancelled for the day and everything is shut down? We had a Cookie-baking, Lego-making, Movie-watching day, of course! Kaylyn and Lexi got all of our Christmas cookies and treats made. And even though the kitchen was a complete disaster afterwards, mom didn't mind cleaning it up because all the hard work was done. The BIG lego sets came out today so I suppose I won't see my kitchen table and coffee table for at least a week. And try keeping a puppy from trying to eat those little pieces! Cooper thinks we put them there for his enjoyment. Star Wars seemed to be the theme for the day: star wars lego sets and movies. We were determined to watch all six movies but only made it through two. Oh well, the night is still young!

Rob finally got tired of all the girls asking him how much snow was on the deck so he waded through to measure. As of 3pm it was 26" and still snowing. We set a record in Spokane for total snowfall in one day - 19". But in this snowbelt we live in, we got a lot more than that. Because it's been so cold (in the teens and below) the snow is light and fluffy. Thank goodness because that's a lot of snow to shovel. I went out last night and shoveled about 9 inches off the driveway (it really stinks having such a big driveway in the winter) and by the time I was done 45 minutes later, there was already an inch on it again. So today, I boycotted and Rob and the girls shoveled. And because it's not supposed to get above 20 degrees for a week, it's definitely going to be a WHITE CHRISTMAS!!

Cooper is cursing us for bringing him to live in snow country. He's thinking that somewhere like St. George or San Diego would have suited him just fine! Just when we thought he was getting so big, we realized that he's just a little squirt in a whole lot of snow! We had to shovel a pathway so he could get back to his relief spot or he wouldn't have been able to get out the garage door! You could barely see the top of him as he ran down the path. He's still trying to figure out what this white stuff is. He likes playing in it but can't understand why it makes him so cold. Or why he can't breathe when he sticks his head in it!
You can barely see the top of Cooper in the back yard!

1 comment:

Marie said...

Hi Plumbs! We got your Christmas letter today. (I finally got ours addressed today.) Fun to catch up on your blog. We're getting a ton of snow also. It shuts us down around here, the kids got an extra week of vacation! Next time you're in Portland for a soccer game - let us know, we'd love to meet up with you!
Take care,