Saturday, January 10, 2009

Insulation Woes

Rob is pretty sure, no - absolutely sure, that he would not like to work with insulation for a living! We had some pretty serious ice dams on the back of our house and then when the snow starting melting, water starting running down the outside walls and was finding it's way into our family room and bedroom. So after peeling back the carpet so it could dry, Rob ventured into the attic to try and get to the root of the problem. Turns out, when we built the house 10 years ago, the insulation guys didn't quite finish the job. They forgot to insulate over part of the back of the house!

So lucky Rob got to cut a hole in the roof sheeting in the attic and drag 3 big rolls of insulation up there, lay it out on the rafters, cut it, and then try and shove it and himself through the small opening. Thankfully he survived and hopefully this will solve the problem. I wonder what else didn't get finished or done on the house that we thought did and paid for!

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