Monday, July 6, 2009

McKenna's 10th Birthday

Our baby entered the double digits yesterday! 10!!! We celebrated by eating cake and ice cream, playing a game and watching a movie. McKenna designed her own cake this year and mom helped decorate it. Happy Birthday Boo! We love you!
McKenna saw this hat at Gymboree, where Lexi works, and has been eyeing it for weeks. So she was elated when Lexi got it for her for her birthday!


HeatherLovesClay said...

Oh man, it sure is hot out here! I have begun taking pictures for what is sure to be an exciting and riveting post about the bugs and heat out here! Stay tuned!

Brooke said...

Happy Birthday McKenna!!!

Brooke said...

PS Sydney has that same hat. Love Gymboree. Also, what a good big sis getting her such a cool gift:)