Thursday, March 26, 2009

At Last...My Love Has Come Along

It's been almost a month since Cooper got to play with his friend, Carli. Since there's no way they can play together in the house anymore (185 lbs. of clumsey, drooling, wrestling dog - I don't think so!) we took them to the school so they could have all the room they needed. They had a blast. They played and played and played until they were totally exhausted and then played some more. We had to stand on the benches to avoid the slobber that was being flung left and right. Carli likes to run and Cooper does not - it takes too much energy, so he just waits until she comes back around and then throws her to the ground and slobbers on her.

Ahh, true love!

Check out Cooper's kiss

1 comment:

April said...

This has nothing to do with your dogs... I somehow stumbled upon your blog...hey you guys- the wonderful Plumbs.

I just wanted to thank Kaylyn and Lexy for coming to visit mom on her last days at the hospice house. It was emotional for all of us- so much time has passed and we still haven't really thanked everyone for all the love and help.

oh...and Lexi's poem was perfect for the program- thank you for that.

Love you guys. Go visit my dad when you have the chance.