Sunday, March 8, 2009

Up, Up and Away

It is so fun to play with Cooper's little mind! At the very mention of the word
T-R-E-A-T, he starts to drool big time and will do anything to get one. So we thought we'd get some laughs at his expense and tie it to a couple of helium balloons. Well, he couldn't decide if he was a) too scared of the balloons to worry about getting the treat or b) wanted the treat so bad that he could ignore the fact that the balloons scared him spitless (okay, not spitless because he was still drooling up a storm!). After watching the balloons float around the room for a while, he started jumping up trying to get the treat. Eventually he was able to grab the treat and chew it up, but it was still attached to the balloons so they hovered right above his head. Needless to say, he kept his eyes peeled on those balloons but was able to overcome his fear and successfully get his treat! Way to go Coop!


HeatherLovesClay said...

Clay was dying laughing as I read this to him. Cooper is completely adorable. I can't wait until we have a house that will accommodate one!

Anonymous said...

Very creative and cute dog. We've had 4 dogs and I am done. Dave isn't, but he agreed to take a break for awhile. The last dog we had was perfect except she dug out and ran away every day.
Maybe next time we find a big lazy one.