Friday, August 20, 2010

YW Girls Camp 2010

Well, I didn't skip a beat with going to Girls Camp!  I was worried I wouldn't get to go since we were in a new ward and stake but, alas, Heavenly Father heard my pleas!  It's always fun and interesting to see how different stakes run their girls camp.  The Buena Vista stake holds camp on a stake level but the camping is done on a ward level.  I always thought this would be kind of nice - having a smaller group would allow us to do our own cooking and other things that you can't do with larger groups.  It worked out great.  We had 3 yw and 4 leaders - yup! more leaders than girls! ha

Setting up camp
Sis. McRae, our camp director, takes a well
deserved break!

Enjoying some yummy
dutch-oven stew

We cooked, ate, slept, did most of the certification, carved our walking sticks, played games, did crafts and just plain ole had FUN in our ward level.  I don't think we stopped laughing the whole time!  Oh, and we also took our 1st year on a SNIPE hunt - never seen anything so funny in my life!  Except maybe when we taught Bishop and Bro. Yardley to play "Solemn Occasion" and "Big Booty".

Bishop Wilson and Bro. Yardley join in on a game of "Solemn Occasion"
The girls made buckets before camp
to keep their things in.  They also
doubled as seat with a
cushioned top.


As a 3rd year, Aleah needed to build
the fire for dinner

The rest of the time was spent together as a stake:  certification games, crafts, morning and evening flag ceremony, camp songs, ward camp calls (we had to come up with a different one each morning and each evening - it kept us on our toes!), skits, firesides and "Faith Walk".

Dr. Aleah "saves" Katie from a case of the DOTS during our skit.
Sis. Jourdain teaches CPR to the girls.

The camp was at Little Thunder Camp located up Cedar Canyon, outside of Cedar City.  It sat at about 8000 ft above sea level amidst aspen trees and majestic rock mountains.  It truly was a beautiful place and we had a great time.  Can't wait for next year when McKenna can go!  We'll have 6 girls by then - Yay!

1 comment:

Julie the Cupcake Girl said...

Just found your blog! Girls camp was so much fun! Thanks for being such a wonderful YW President and teaching me the ropes of girls camp. You are truly amazing! I am excited to see what next year will bring!